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Silico and Strasys Partner to Deliver Digital Twins of Entire Hospitals
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Silico and Strasys Partner to Deliver Digital Twins of Entire Hospitals

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  1. This is it.

29th November, London, UKStrasys, a decision intelligence and innovation consultancy and Silico, the business process simulation platform, today announce a strategic partnership to optimise decision-making in the health and care sector. The partnership formalises the integration of Silico’s business process simulation (BPS) software with Strasys’ technology creating Digital Twins of entire hospitals and healthcare systems.  

Silico’s BPS platform allows Strasys to create digital replicas of individual business processes to test the efficiency of future changes. These digital replicas can then be linked together to form a Digital Twin of the organisation. This enables Strasys to simulate the outcome of different decisions across healthcare ecosystems, optimising operational processes, helping services to run more effectively and reliably, and achieving better patient outcomes.  

With this partnership, hospitals will have the ability to rapidly integrate third-party data with real-time metrics from across their own organisation to create large-scale Digital Twins. This will enable healthcare decision-makers to run advanced, AI-powered ‘what if’ scenarios that demonstrate the impact of changes to individual processes on the organisation. These changes can then be enacted via control automation. 

Two key challenges faced by the healthcare industry are information silos and ineffective interdepartmental information sharing. This partnership bridges these gaps by linking data across populations and regions. Ultimately, reducing risk and improving the care and quality of service for patients.

With this partnership, integrated care boards and systems (ICB/S) will have the ability to:

  • Model any predicted future changes to help decide the optimum organisational structure to meet those changes.
  • Visualise analytics to monitor processes and foresee problems to enable proactive intervention, continuous planning, and the real-time monitoring of performance against projections.
  • Model transformation projects and their impact on existing processes to understand and prevent potential bottlenecks.
  • Provide iterative value over time. Modelling part of a process is quicker and more efficient than waiting for a completed project.

John Hill, CEO, Silico comments: “Silico gives Strasys the ability to explore different futures to make better decisions and identify opportunities to reduce risk and improve the care and quality of service for patients. Silico’s ability to generate forward-looking simulations and scenario analytics unlocks the next frontier of healthcare process improvement infrastructure. We are excited to deliver value across the NHS and we’re proud to play a part in helping achieve better patient outcomes”.

Naeem Younis, CEO, Strasys comments:  “Through the Strasys approach, using Silico, health and care systems will be able to bring together disparate datasets, ML/AI algorithms and qualitative data to create digital twins of their ecosystem - creating the foresight to bring stakeholders together to make better decisions. This reduces risk and improves the care and quality of service for patients and their respective populations”.

Silico’s partnership with Strasys advances the creation of Digital Twins within the healthcare setting. This follows Silico’s work with the NHS during the COVID-19 pandemic in which they collaborated to create a process simulation model to help the NHS navigate resource allocation and waiting lists in their hospitals throughout and after the pandemic.

About Silico 

Silico envisions a world where every decision is simulated, prior to being made in the real world. Silico is the leading provider of process simulation software, working with enterprises from any sector to transform their decision-making. Our SaaS software allows you to build a Digital Twin of your Enterprise (DTE) to monitor your business, forecast its future state, and simulate the impact of decisions into the future.  

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About Strasys

Strasys is a decision intelligence and innovation agency based in the UK and the Middle East.  Focusing on health and care, it supports organisations to solve long-standing issues, make decisions with confidence and improve the quality of care to create fairer and healthier communities. With ever more complexity, Strasys bridges the gap between data, digital and strategy to help leaders to think differently.

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